Having spent many years as an evangelical, trying very hard to explain away the many contradictions in the Bible, I finally had to conclude that I was indoctrinated as a child to believe the things I did. The apologists only made things worse. I am quite sure that if I never heard anything about religion until I was an adult with critical thinking skills, I think I would have viewed it the same way I do Greek Mythology. Let’s face it, there are many similarities. As you know, there are not many exceptions of adults becoming “saved” unless they were exposed to it as a child. The fear of hell is very very strong.
My only motive for writing is to help people who are struggling with their doubts like I was for many years. Once someone understands that the Bible could not possibly have been inspired by a perfect and good god, they can then begin recovering from needless guilt and the fear of hell. Many many kids and yes adults have nightmares believing that their father, mother, children, or friends are burning in hell. All because they were taught that their religion was the only right one out of hundreds of other religions that millions of other people were taught the same.
My take on the Old Testament God vs the New Testament God is quite different than yours. I tried to make my case here.
As an aside, I liked your article about the outdoors. A book that I just listened to on Audible was The Overstory by Richard Powers. Nothing to with religion but a fascinating read about trees, intertwined with the life of eight individuals. You take care.