I certainly noticed the confusion of Exodus 34:27 before writing the article. Exodus 34:1 clearly states that God will write the words that were on the original tablets that were smashed. Then we have a list of ten commands. Then right after the list of the ten are given, we read….”And He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.” That is not mentioned at all in Exodus 20.
The fact is, the Bible contains multiple stories of the same event from different authors/sources who recorded different details. The two creation stories and the two flood stories are other examples.
Almost all scholars, including Jewish scholars agree that the Torah was edited from a variety of sources during the Babylonian Captivity. It fits very well if you understand that the list in Exodus 34 required the Temple to be in existence to fulfill many of them. It is older than the list in Exodus 20 which was later written for those who were returning to Israel after Cyrus granted their freedom. They no longer had a Temple, thus a new list (Exodus 20) had to be developed to make any sense.
As to who wrote the commandments…it absolutely could not have been Moses for many reasons. A few are given below. It was pulled from many different sources.
Regarding your comments about Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb. Most scholars agree that they both refer to the same place. Again, evidence of multiple sources being used. and
The Reasons why the Bible’s Story of the Exodus is not True: