Thanks for your note. I have discussed this with several black friends and interviewed others before the article was published and my anecdotal take aways were those who themselves voted for Trump or knew some who did seemed to be based on one or two reasons for not liking Biden or they have given up on the Democrats for not fulfilling many promises. Those points had some validity. They more or less believed Trump when he said, “what have you got to lose?” I observed one person, who had defended Trump, as she read the various points in a draft copy of my article. Her facial expression became more and more serious and half way through she commented softly, “wow…these are interesting…some are really good points.”
The younger Blacks I talked with said they felt the people they knew who voted for Trump were those who thought they were better than anyone else and took a little pride in being different.
I hope you are wrong about your friends not being willing to read this or other articles. It may be the cumulative effect of many points that is effective. I plan to ask other Trump supporters I meet to please read it and tell me what I am missing. I think many are just so disappointed in the slow progress that just drags on and on, that a real loss of hope has settled in.
The Grift, after just two weeks is now number seven on the New York Times bestseller list. I think it could be game changer. Clay Cane has a large following, and much have been learned about the reasons Trump gets the support he does. I plan to pick a congressional district in a battleground state and spend most of October canvassing like hell. The experts will have a smart and refined “method of attack” with the best talking points for us to use, and I encourage everyone to become involved. A couple of votes here and a couple there may add up to a win. And what have we got to lose otherwise?...a whole whole lot.